Relationship Experts


The Relationship Roadmap was created by two relationship experts (and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists) with a combined 20 years experience helping couples through everything and anything. They know what creates and sustains real change with real couples - because it's what they do on a daily basis.

1 Time Payment

$495 $247

1 time payment for lifetime access to the Relationship Roadmap Online Course


Payment Plan


5 payments of $99 for lifetime access to the Relationship Roadmap Online Course


This is what your relationship has been waiting for...

closing captioning available here


You didn't learn this growing up...

Maybe you didn't have the greatest examples of what a relationship should be when you were young.


Maybe emotions just didn't get expressed in your house so you don't know how to handle conflict. That can make being in a relationship extra challenging.


Bottom line is - you're not alone; 65% of couples struggle with crappy communication skills or get thrown for a loop when it comes to navigating vulnerability and the other tough stuff.


That's why we created the
Relationship Roadmap!

The Relationship Roadmap is your no BS solution when it comes to finding REAL solutions for the stuff you are struggling with.


It's a way to get real tools to create real change (without snooze fest lectures or rainbow & butterflies techniques that just don't cut it).


Learn how to deepen trust and understanding between each other, enhance your sex life and change unhelpful patterns and cycles (without the therapy price tag).


Do something different. You and your relationship (current or future) deserve it!

Liv & Justin

 Buffalo, NY

The Relationship Roadmap showed us where we get stuck. That has to be the biggest change. It's like now we know and can see it coming. I feel less alone/the world is ending when we argue and I feel like we are talking about what is REALLY going on versus he said this I said that. He mentioned a lot of what we learned stuck for him this time because it wasn't all at once - we got to do it at our own pace in little bites.

Leila M.

Los Angeles, CA

I was just coming out of a hard break up and wanted to find a way to not repeat the same mistakes next time around. This course made me realize my role in certain relationship issues (hello anxious attachment!) and how to navigate it for next time. It really opened up my eyes and I feel different even starting to date again. Wish I had stumbled upon it a couple relationships ago!


Amanda & Dave

Grand Rapids, MI

This really changed our relationship and was eye opening to my own unhealthy patterns and triggers. Connecting the dots between how we both grew up and the way we handle conflict was honestly life changing. We communicate better and we feel closer. We couldn't recommend this course enough! Do it!

Liv & Justin

 Buffalo, NY

The Relationship Roadmap showed us where we get stuck. That has to be the biggest change. It's like now we know and can see it coming. I feel less alone/the world is ending when we argue and I feel like we are talking about what is REALLY going on versus he said this I said that. He mentioned a lot of what we learned stuck for him this time because it wasn't all at once - we got to do it at our own pace in little bites.

Leila M.

Los Angeles, CA

I was just coming out of a hard break up and wanted to find a way to not repeat the same mistakes next time around. This course made me realize my role in certain relationship issues (hello anxious attachment!) and how to navigate it for next time. It really opened up my eyes and I feel different even starting to date again. Wish I had stumbled upon it a couple relationships ago!


Amanda & Dave

Grand Rapids, MI

This really changed our relationship and was eye opening to my own unhealthy patterns and triggers. Connecting the dots between how we both grew up and the way we handle conflict was honestly life changing. We communicate better and we feel closer. We couldn't recommend this course enough! Do it!

This Is For You If :

  • You know your relationship needs help but you don't know where to start.
  • You feel like you and your partner(s) speak two different languages & come from two different planets when it comes to communicating.
  • You want to improve your relationship before making some big moves (living together, marriage, babes, etc.)
  • You are single / dating and want to make sure you don't repeat the same mistakes/tendencies/patterns in your next partnership.
  • You and/or your partner(s) want to work on stuff but aren't sure full blown therapy is for you.

What You'll Learn:

  • How to recognize hot spot areas instead of lighting them on fire and burning the whole conversation down :)
  • How your attachment style and/or your partners impacts and influences the relationship
  • How to fight better! no really! you'll learn ways of communicating that make you both feel seen & heard.
  • How to improve your sex life & emotional intimacy (aka how to have more physical connection that you'll both enjoy.


Q: Is the course self-paced?


Yep! This course is all about change your way, at your pace. Start and stop whenever you need to. Got questions while going through it? Pop over to the community forum(s) and ask!


Q: I'm not in the United States can I take this course?


Absolutely! You can access this course from anywhere!


Q: If I'm not currently in a relationship will this course still be helpful?


Without a doubt. We've had participants reach out to us and share that by completing this course while not in a serious relationship it paved the way for them in their next relationship and they found the quality of their partner AND their own self-confidence about the relationship was a big level-up!


Q: Is this course the same thing as therapy?


Nope! While this course is full of relationship advice & tools - it is not therapy!


Q: How long do I have to complete the course?


As long as it takes! Look we get it. Change takes time...and you have a life! So there's no time frame that you need to complete the course in. Work on your relationship your way, at your own pace.


Q: We are on a budget. Do you offer payment plans?


We sure do! Check out our payment plan options at checkout! Your relationship is worth the investment.


If for any reason you need to request a refund, please note that we are only able to
initiate refunds within 29 days of course purchase.

© 2023 by Decoding Couples®

Material intended for adults 18+
Information on this website is NOT meant for therapy purposes.